06 January 2010

SNOW!!!!!! in France = Strike

On Thursday December 17th we awoke to snow. This was the first time that several of my friends had ever legitimately seen snow. France is also not a country accustomed to snow and it's snowy ways. Therefore the trains didn't run, the buses went on strike, and the taxis went on strike. Basically all transport stopped and the country as a whole freaked out. It was entertaining until we realized we were stuck in Mont Saint Aignan and people might miss flights home. Then proctors stopped coming to the school and finals started getting postponed. This just kept going from bad to worse.

I was supposed to leave the next morning to go to Paris with all my friends and then pick my family up from the airport. I was hoping all factors would go my way. But then I remembered that I was in France and everything works out in the end in France, seriously.

Thursday night a bunch of us tried to go downtown. A handful magically got a cab, a couple walked, but most of us had a huge snowball fight and then went back to Ango to hang out until the wee hours.

Here are some photos from that morning:

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