It pretty much all started in Versailles where I met almost everyone properly for the first time:

This is in contrast of one of my last nights after some of my friends had left and were about to leave:
The Boys:
The Girls (notice that I am the only brunette in the group):
Home city, country
Place of residence in france
How we met
In alphabetical order (because any other way seemed unfair):
Kinglake, Melbourne, Australia
Ango 007
I met Adrian the night they closed the common room for the first time. He was wearing a ridiculous straw cowboy hat. He later helped me save a roast chicken, carry my groceries and invite Laine, Jeanna and myself on the Versailles trip. You could argue it's his fault I'm friends with these crazy/awesome people. Thank you Adrian.
Helsinki, Finland
Ango 117
I met Anna on the Versailles trip. She was the one in charge and frankly I was a bit afraid to talk to her because she was so cool. Typical Finn. However Anna and I started talking and became friends once we realized we both have a HUGE obsession with music. She's a DJ, no big deal.

Turku, Finland
Ango 411
I met Anniina the first week of exchange in the common room when everyone was socializing. Then we met again on the Versailles trip. Finally I started hanging out with Anniina more when Laine and I hung out with her and Tytti at Emporium one Tuesday evening.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Ango 407
I met Corey the second night of exchange when the school put on a mixer in the basement of the school. Jeanna, Laine and I walked over and talked a bit with him and Dan. Corey's room was the place to hang out and watch movies for us all.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Ango 314
I met Dan at the mixer the same night as Corey and he graciously bought Laine and I a beer. It was very crowded and busy that night so Laine and I talked to him for a while then continued to meet and talk to other new people. Dan states that we blew him off, we argue that we didn't. I also completely forgot about this meeting and I honestly thought I had met Dan on the Versailles trip. I'm sorry Dan.

Niagara, Ontario, Canada
Pleiade Studio Apartments
I met Justin my second day in France. I went to the castle in order to register at the school and sign up to go and get groceries. I was sitting in line and next to me was a guy with a Brock University binder and I asked him where that was. Justin forgot about this meeting. We also were in the French intensive class together. Then I met him again on the Versailles trip.
Fort Bragg, California USA
Ango 212
I met Laine my first day, first class at Calpoly. It was in the Business 100 lecture in the Silo. We were friends during class, then we sort of lost touch until winter quarter 2nd year when I had marketing class with her and Jacki and we worked on a project together. We didn't know the other planned on studying abroad until we turned in the applications the same day during our break in class.
Gdansk, Poland
Ango 413
I first saw and noticed Magda the same night I met Anniina and Tytti in the common room. As you can tell she's gorgeous and every guy in the room was looking at her. It turns out she's also one of the sweetest people ever. I really met Magda on the Versailles trip with everyone else.
Espoo, Finland (now Helsinki)
Ango 408
I met Oliver in Murphy's bar the night after the common room closed when I was talking to Adrian. I then talked to him properly at Cliff's party the next night. I then met him again two days later on the Versailles trip.
Helsinki, Finland (but she goes to school in Turku)
Ango 305
I met Tytti with Anniina in the common room the first week when she was asking who was going out to the club that night. She couldn't decide if she was going to or not so she was asking Laine and I if we were going. I also remember that she was drinking hard cider that night and it reminded me of my time in the Basque Country senior year. I then met her again on the Versailles trip.
Additional friends that should be acknowledged, also in alphabetical order:
Francesco "Ciccio"
Rome, Italy
Ango 33 something
Ciccio is on here because we are engaged (kinda not really ish) I didn't actually meet him until very late in the exchange when he started hanging out with us all. This was the night we decided to get married, live in his apartment in Rome, and have 2 kids and adopt a bunch more (he wants 14 or so kids and I said 2 tops).
Rome, Italy
Ango 33 something
Ciccio is on here because we are engaged (kinda not really ish) I didn't actually meet him until very late in the exchange when he started hanging out with us all. This was the night we decided to get married, live in his apartment in Rome, and have 2 kids and adopt a bunch more (he wants 14 or so kids and I said 2 tops).

Mankato, Minnesota
Ango 207
Fran and I shared a bathroom and she is by far the funniest and nicest person I met in Rouen. She also has the best stories and needs to write a book or something because she would make billions. Seriously. Fran my life became a saying that is still used.
Palm Desert, California USA
Ango 211
Jeanna and Laine shared a bathroom and is a fellow member of team calpoly. She is one of my favorite people ever. We would randomly break into song together and dance in strange places. I didn't actually know Jeanna at calpoly though I met her when we arrived in Rouen. But now I will love her forever! Jeanna Nutella and Me.
There were of course a ton more people that were my friends in France and that I hung out with a lot, however these are the people I spent most of my time with and that needed to be on here to provide faces to go with all of the stories that I have told about them.
(If there are any clarifications or changes that need to be made please put them in the comment section at the bottom. I'm not 100% about all of the room numbers for one thing)
Go Team Rouen
Really nice post Lauren! Makes me want to write a book about my experiences (you should write one too, then we could both write the screenplay for the feature film, and make millions)