Anna made the most delicious bacon ever for everyone while we talked and laughed over all the stupid things we had done or said over the semester.
Around 10:30-11 we decided to finally head downtown for the lunch we'd been planning for over a week. Tytti was going to meet us there since she had been with her family the whole weekend so we separarted, showered and got ready for the day. I was helping Magda with her final moments of packing and forced Ciccio into making a video for her. After some time we all went on our way to stop by the train station and make sure Magda's train was for sure leaving (and they weren't on strike again).
Gare Rouen Rive Droite (Train Station Rouen Right Bank)
This snowman was outside the restaurant we ate at. (Magda and Anniina)
I don't know where this came from or how she got it but I think Magda makes a good Santa
Corey Face!
my Tartiflette
my ice cream
Magda's Ile Flottante
Tarte tatain (upside down apple pie)
After lunch we all put Magda on her train and said our goodbyes. I followed through on my promise of being there to see her off and running along side of the train as it left.
After that the boys went home to do boy things I guess, I'm not really sure. the girls instead went to the christmas market to pick up a few last minute items for families and such and also our I heart rouen shirts. Anna and I got the last 2 shirts they had but they were men's larges so we wear them as dresses instead (which is good because Anna doesn't own pants anyways).
At the market we ran into Ciccio, Amine, Brian and Jordan who were headed to the big clock to climb up it and take the tour. Anna and I decided to join them (never mind I had a final the next morning I really needed to study for. Sorry mom). Tytti and Anniina decided to do some quick shopping and head home instead.
This is the view from inside the clock looking out on the main shopping street in Rouen
At the top of the clock there is a balcony with a view of the entire city
Here is the Cathedral
The clock mechanics
The city of Rouen
The coolest little apartment with an amazing garden
**insert studying here**
That night we all ordered pizza and watched Home Alone 1 and 2. Mid way through 2 the fire alarm went off (that was a first) so we kind of evacuated and then returned to our movie after the alarm was turned off (someone had accidentally leaned on the button). After the movie I went to bed at a very respectable time and got up in the mornign for my final.
**insert final here**
I literally had to run out of my final to catch Team Finland who was leaving that very moment. I was lucky though, because they had to stop and pick up Lotta and I caught them in one of the parking lots to say goodbye.
After that only Corey, Adrian and myself were left of our group of friends. So we three went for kebab in order to console ourselves.
I then returned to my room to begin the final stages of packing
I had to unplug my fridge so I had to put the last of my food on the window sill to keep it cold.
That night I made dinner for the boys with our left over food and we watched episodes of Band of Brothers and Trailer Park Boys. Then Corey and I watched Nightmare before Christmas, because he'd never seen it, I love it, and Adrian hates cartoons so he left.
After that it was snowing again so I went for a quick walk to the lookout point to say goodbye to my beloved Rouen
The next morning I finished cleaning and packing up my life and checked out of Ango with Fran and said goodbye to the last of my friends.
Then I headed to the train to meet my family in Paris to go to The Basque Country for Christmas. I was so excited and sad and emotionally drained at that point I took a couple of photos on the train and passed out for a bit.
In the red towel is Discotronic from Anna, it made it all the way to Euskadi and then to Idaho and then California in perfect condition! I was so excited
Next up, Euskadi with the fam
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