19 January 2010

The Crew

The group, crew, posse, team... whatever you want to call us. This is a post suggested by Dan during our dinner before the secret santa exchange. He suggested that I do a post with little snippets about all of my friends in France... so here it is Dan just for you (and me and whoever else reads this, but mostly for you...DTMO?)

It pretty much all started in Versailles where I met almost everyone properly for the first time:

This is in contrast of one of my last nights after some of my friends had left and were about to leave:
The Boys:

The Girls (notice that I am the only brunette in the group):
ok the format will be
Home city, country
Place of residence in france
How we met

In alphabetical order (because any other way seemed unfair):

Kinglake, Melbourne, Australia
Ango 007
I met Adrian the night they closed the common room for the first time. He was wearing a ridiculous straw cowboy hat. He later helped me save a roast chicken, carry my groceries and invite Laine, Jeanna and myself on the Versailles trip. You could argue it's his fault I'm friends with these crazy/awesome people. Thank you Adrian.

Helsinki, Finland
Ango 117
I met Anna on the Versailles trip. She was the one in charge and frankly I was a bit afraid to talk to her because she was so cool. Typical Finn. However Anna and I started talking and became friends once we realized we both have a HUGE obsession with music. She's a DJ, no big deal.

Turku, Finland
Ango 411
I met Anniina the first week of exchange in the common room when everyone was socializing. Then we met again on the Versailles trip. Finally I started hanging out with Anniina more when Laine and I hung out with her and Tytti at Emporium one Tuesday evening.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Ango 407
I met Corey the second night of exchange when the school put on a mixer in the basement of the school. Jeanna, Laine and I walked over and talked a bit with him and Dan. Corey's room was the place to hang out and watch movies for us all.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Ango 314
I met Dan at the mixer the same night as Corey and he graciously bought Laine and I a beer. It was very crowded and busy that night so Laine and I talked to him for a while then continued to meet and talk to other new people. Dan states that we blew him off, we argue that we didn't. I also completely forgot about this meeting and I honestly thought I had met Dan on the Versailles trip. I'm sorry Dan.

Niagara, Ontario, Canada
Pleiade Studio Apartments
I met Justin my second day in France. I went to the castle in order to register at the school and sign up to go and get groceries. I was sitting in line and next to me was a guy with a Brock University binder and I asked him where that was. Justin forgot about this meeting. We also were in the French intensive class together. Then I met him again on the Versailles trip.

Fort Bragg, California USA
Ango 212
I met Laine my first day, first class at Calpoly. It was in the Business 100 lecture in the Silo. We were friends during class, then we sort of lost touch until winter quarter 2nd year when I had marketing class with her and Jacki and we worked on a project together. We didn't know the other planned on studying abroad until we turned in the applications the same day during our break in class.

Gdansk, Poland
Ango 413
I first saw and noticed Magda the same night I met Anniina and Tytti in the common room. As you can tell she's gorgeous and every guy in the room was looking at her. It turns out she's also one of the sweetest people ever. I really met Magda on the Versailles trip with everyone else.

Oliver (Lepakkomies)
Espoo, Finland (now Helsinki)
Ango 408
I met Oliver in Murphy's bar the night after the common room closed when I was talking to Adrian. I then talked to him properly at Cliff's party the next night. I then met him again two days later on the Versailles trip.

Helsinki, Finland (but she goes to school in Turku)
Ango 305
I met Tytti with Anniina in the common room the first week when she was asking who was going out to the club that night. She couldn't decide if she was going to or not so she was asking Laine and I if we were going. I also remember that she was drinking hard cider that night and it reminded me of my time in the Basque Country senior year. I then met her again on the Versailles trip.

Additional friends that should be acknowledged, also in alphabetical order:Francesco "Ciccio"
Rome, Italy
Ango 33 something
Ciccio is on here because we are engaged (kinda not really ish) I didn't actually meet him until very late in the exchange when he started hanging out with us all. This was the night we decided to get married, live in his apartment in Rome, and have 2 kids and adopt a bunch more (he wants 14 or so kids and I said 2 tops).

Mankato, Minnesota
Ango 207
Fran and I shared a bathroom and she is by far the funniest and nicest person I met in Rouen. She also has the best stories and needs to write a book or something because she would make billions. Seriously. Fran my life became a saying that is still used.

Palm Desert, California USA
Ango 211
Jeanna and Laine shared a bathroom and is a fellow member of team calpoly. She is one of my favorite people ever. We would randomly break into song together and dance in strange places. I didn't actually know Jeanna at calpoly though I met her when we arrived in Rouen. But now I will love her forever! Jeanna Nutella and Me.

There were of course a ton more people that were my friends in France and that I hung out with a lot, however these are the people I spent most of my time with and that needed to be on here to provide faces to go with all of the stories that I have told about them.

(If there are any clarifications or changes that need to be made please put them in the comment section at the bottom. I'm not 100% about all of the room numbers for one thing)

Go Team Rouen

12 January 2010

GAHHH Travel and No sleep! This is just torture!

Early in the morning we all had to get up and get ready for the LONG day of travel. I had to say goodbye to the family at the hotel because they were leaving out of Terminal 2 of CDG and I was out of Terminal 1. I took the next shuttle out of the hotel after the family, even though I wouldn't be able for 2 hours.

The shuttle ride was actually quite good. It was just myself and another girl. She was an Australian student going home to Melbourne from exchange in Lyon, France.

We get to the airport and find our flights and check in counters. I quickly realize my flight is one of two that is delayed. Crap. So I go and grab some breakfast at the cafe downstairs and then return upstairs and sit next to the counter that I will be allowed to check in at in 2 hours.

My favorite part was the awesome coffee ad next to me based on the mythical story of Romulus and Reamus. I felt very academic (or like a Jeopardy champ) since I knew what it was. Also there was this American man that stated quite loudly in front of his wife and children, who were only about 10 is, "WOW now that's an ad. I wonder what it's for!" I just giggled to myself

This is the line I really should have been sitting in but instead I decided to sit at the pillar so I would have something to lean against.

I'm Bored! Damn you delays!!!!

the airport was all Christmasy still. The inner section was made to look like a big snow globe (I was too tired to go get a photo sorry) But here is a red Christmas tree at one of the entrances as consolation!

I was so bored I thought this would be an interesting picture. Clearly the travel and lack of sleep has gone to my head.

FINALLY I make it into line about 15-20 mins before they start letting people through. I check in and have to beg the lady to let me have 2 small carry ons (one was my back pack with broken Fernando and the other was my school bag with Anna's vinyl)

I then, as directed, proceed quickly through security and to my gate. Where I then hang out for another 2 hours and text Finland and Poland (Anna and Magda) in a desperate attempt to keep from just running away and never returning home.

Here is the most depressed waiting area at a gate I have ever seen:

After a VERY long delay they start to board my flight and by board I mean manually check every passengers carry on luggage and then frisk/wand each person before heading to the breeze way. I was in section 3 seating meaning I was the penultimate female on the plane (they had more woman than men in the final boarding check area).

The flight itself had very strict rules. No under seat storage at all, everything must go overhead. No one can get out of their seat, there is no map, no blanket or pillows or electronics, no nothing for the first and last hour of the flight.

During the flight my stuff was stuffed into an overhead I was far to afraid of opening for fear everything would fall upon my head. So I didn't instead I watched Love Happens, Finding Nemo, half of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and 2 episodes of Mad Men.

When I arrived in Chicago it was the first time I had no problems with customs. Usually I get partially questioned before picking up my bags but this time it was a have a nice day ma'am. I was so glad. I was fighting REALLY hard to stay awake and fight through the need for sleep.

In Chicago I was supposed to have a 5 hour layover which was reduced to 3 when I was delayed leaving Paris then extended when it turned out my flight to Boise was delayed 30-45 mins. Balls.

In O'Hare I got some pizza and tea with ginsing (I REALLY want to sleep at this point) I also decided that it is ridiculous for my brother or dad to come and pick me up at the airport when they only get home an hour before me. So I make a few calls and arrange for one of my best friends, Keela, to come and pick me up instead.

While waiting in the airport I have a nice chat with a family from Caldwell trying to get a seat on the flight and an annoying man from god knows where traveling to Boise for a business trip. He really wasn't very pleasant and he was staring at my boobs which sleep deprived Lauren REALLY doesn't appreciate or want to deal with. Then annoying man was questioning me about Boise, school France etc. He really was trying hard to chat me up.

Finally we board the flight and I promptly buckle my seatbelt and pass out.

**insert 2 hours of bad sleep**

I awoke completely confused as to where I was and what was going on because a baby the next row up and over decided to make the most awful noise I have ever heard in my life. Imagine nails on a chalk board mixed with a screeching steam pipe mixed with a animal dying. I really can't explain in words how terrible it was.

That lasted the last hour of the flight.

We actually landed in Boise a bit early (I have no idea how) so I call keela and tell her to get ready and come meet me. I get off the plane and head towards baggage claim, where I see Trey McIntyre! I was so excited and the first thought in my head is "how do I look!?!" and then "Crap I look awful, I wonder if he recognizes me. No that's ridiculous, however he has seen some of my work, I wonder if he's coming home too or just picking that really hot guy up, damn he's probably gay. Just my luck..."

I have to explain that it is now 7-8 am in my bio clock so I am WIDE awake, but I am also really tired so the crazy, hyper, random Lauren comes out. As my friends would say the mental filter is removed and I say things I would normally never say let alone think, but I am so tired that it seems like a good idea when I say it.

Then I wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait...you get the picture

I had to wait 40 mins for my baggage! that is kinda silly since the airport isn't that big and there were only 3 flights that had come in recently.

A little after midnight Boise local time I meet Keela out front of the airport (Trey is long gone by now) and I head home and try to sleep (I failed I slept from about 2 am to about 6 am). But I was home and had work to do! (unpack and then re pack)

Thus ends the great adventure of Lauren in France, for now at least (don't stop reading though I have a few more posts left by request of Dan)

PS Discotronic made it home fine and all the way to California as well

10 January 2010

All I want is Euskadi for Christmas mom!

On Tuesday December 22 after checking out of Ango and heading to Paris I took the metro over to Gare Montparnasse where I was to meet my family at the ticket office before getting on the train. I told them before I left them Saturday that just in case I can't get to Paris or don't meet them then they should just get on the train and go to Donostia without me.

Well I arrive just fine with a couple of hours to go before getting on the train and they aren't there, they still aren't there. So I walk around to a couple of the other ticket offices like the one for the metro. I still can't find them. Finally our platform number comes up and I had decided worst case Ontario I would meet them on the train. So I go and find our car and seats. they're not there. Panic mode begin... then out the window I see my mom walking around quite panicked and confused. I run to the open car door in the direction she walked and yell out. They all get on the train and I show them our seats. They had found a ticket office on the floor above that was not the one I meant. However we all made it and had a nice train ride through France ahead of us.

The train ride itself is about 5.5 hours from Paris to Hendaye then another half hour from Hendaye to Donostia on the Euskotren.

We finally arrived in a drizzly Donostia (San Sebastian for the non Basques) around 10:30pm and found our Hotel quicker than we had expected. Unfortunately the lady working the night shift did not speak any english so I had to act as translator. Then she got the owner on the phone who lived in New York for 6 years and speaks perfect english and she gave me the rest of the instructions in english.

We all promptly passed out of exhaustion in an ADORABLE pension (hotel) in Donostia. Not so bad, I think.

The next morning we awoke and were met by the owner's mother who lives upstairs and sometimes works in the office, Carmen (Marie Carmen). She doesn't really speak any English as well so she talked to me and then I would translate to the family. She recommended a couple of places for breakfast, we decided on the one by the cathedral in the heart of the city.

The day itself was rather gloomy but we had hope that it would get better, we were wrong.
After a wonderful breakfast of brioche a la plancha con marmalada (broche bread grilled and
smothered in marmalade) and cafe con leche we headed to the cathedral to take a couple of photos.

In the church there were these amazingly cute nativity scenes made by the children of the town

Here is the table for Mass in the Cathedral. Notice all the different languages, we went to the Basque service at 11 for Christmas.

After seeing the church we went for a walk around the city

then it started pouring rain and we decided to walk to the point and then run for cover in the local mall thing.

Matt, Matt the water rat!

We were being silly

the parents

In the mall was many very interesting stores like the Hello Kitty store and the Nerdy Live gamer store (for kids to make and play with D&D stuff) to a market in the basement.

After going to the market we went for lunch in a Lonley Plant recommended place and got some delicious traditional food.

kids in Europe still rollerblade, that's cool.

After passing out in the hotel for a bit we decided to go and eat some dinner Basque style meaning pintxo bars. This is where we met Leire the owner of the pension. She quickly became family for us. She lived 6 years in the US for high school and college. She speaks Spanish, Basque and English perfectly (maybe more I don't know). She is an advisor to the mayor of the city and works harder than anyone I know. The pension gave us a map with some recommended places to go, but first we went the long way along the beach.

The first place we went was a very local sort of place, my dad describes it as a Cheers bar where everyone seemed to know eachother. In these sorts of places they keep the cold pintxos on the bar and then you can order hot ones from the bartenders. The second place was a bit trendier but not really in a American definition of trendy.

I don't know what spawned this look but I find it funny

so did Matt

The next morning (Christmas Eve) we went to a more brasserie sort of place for breakfast and my coffee made a monster. I was excited.

The day was BEAUTIFUL! it was so warm we had to go back to the pension and take off some of our clothes. It was around 18 degrees Celsius.

This is Christmas Eve in Spain, Pelota on the Beach

And a morning swim

The symbol of Donostia

He was so over my paparazzi shenanigans

So I became artsy instead

All the families were dressed up in their traditional outfits these two kids were ridiculously cute!

We walked along the beach over to the statues on the point

Tiny Crab!!!!

This older woman had 3 roses that she threw in the water I'm guessing as a memorial or tradition or something. The whole day I saw people carrying the roses towards the water.

All the covers had the city symbol on them

Then we decided to see if the funicular was running so we could go to the top and take photos of the whole city.

My favorite was the Casa del Terror

after going to the top we went back down to the beach and walked in the sand and collected shells and rocks etc

We decided to go to the city center and eat a large meal since nothing would be open for dinner than night. Christmas Eve is a family day in Europe and EVERYTHING is closed.

They wear color in this country!!!!

Throughout the whole city there were people dancing and singing in traditional costumes

here are a couple of videos

We decided to go to a paella place for lunch since my mom had never had it.

I got some fish as part of my menu as the appetizer for my menu

then I got some chocolate cake for dessert (like Amatxi cake)

City hall

in front of the cathedral there were cute sheep and geese in pens. They were really cute

I love this little boy a lot I wanted to take him home cause he was so cute

That night we ended up hanging out with another family from the US, Arizona to be precise. It was a bit of a twilight zone moment, they were there with their daughter who had been studying in Madrid. She was 20 years old and they had a son who was 23 years old, like Matt. They had the reverse path though. They were going from Donostia to Paris and we were Paris to Donostia. Leire had left Champagne and treats for us. There was also a couple from France that were staying the night and I was laughing with them about the snow and how the French go on strike.

After everyone dispersed the two kids from the other family, Matt and myself decided to try and find a bar and grab some drinks. Unfortunately EVERYTHING was closed and it started raining so we headed back.

The next morning we ate some pastries we had picked up the afternoon before and went for a walk along the water.

That afternoon we had reservations at a restaurant in the old part. It turned out to be an 8 course meal! It was awesome except the caviar risotto, which would have been delicious except for the caviar. It took us 3 hours to eat all the food and we couldn't even finish it.

After the meal we went for a walk down to the water

You can't tell but there are surfers in the water. Now that is the way to spend Christmas

That night we skyped our family at home and watched Spanish television.

The next morning we headed back to Paris and grabbed a shuttle to the airport and then a shuttle to the hotel.

In the hotel we had a small picnic of food for dinner (there were no kebab shops near, which was sad since I was seriously craving a Kebab frites avec samurai). I was super antsy so I grabbed Matt and we went on an adventure in the hotel.

First we stopped by the front desk to ask for a corkscrew, delivered to our door was a screwdriver. Apparently there was a bit of a colloquial language barrier in effect here. Therefore we couldn't get the wine bottle open and I was doubly sad.

Sunday morning we parted ways in the hotel lobby and proceeded on our adventures home.