20 September 2009

Rouen in a day

Welcome to a 3-4 hour walking tour of Rouen including somewhere around 4 churches. Basically we had the best weather/timing/lighting for the entire afternoon. I would normally comment on the photos and tell what they are and some random story but frankly Laine and I just happened upon 95% of the stuff you see in the photos. I have no idea which church is which all I know is that I had a badass time wandering around slightly lost and totally immersed. I took a few sketches in a park as well, however I have no scanner so you can't see them in the land of the internet.

Here it is, the never ending adventure:

Last night after this epic journey there was the most intense thunderstorm EVER. I have never seen anything like it in the states. The clouds were straight from fantasia where they would light up and illuminate in crazy ways. I can't even describe it very well.

Also if you are reading this please comment it makes me feel loved and less like I'm talking to an abyss.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, we love your notes and pictures. i keep telling mom aka grandma that she needs to get a computer so she can see all your adventures. It sounds like you are having fun. Hope you have a good couple of months. We are almost a month into highschool. wow.
