In the afternoon I took a break from studying to go see the woods near by unfortunately my camera died as I went to take the first photo so I will have to get some from Jeanna and post them later. It is GORGEOUS here right now. Because it is really windy it has kept the fog and clouds from settling so we have actually had sun recently.
Last night we had the first International night organized by a bunch of girls from Mexico. This week the Europeans had to make a bunch of food for everyone to try. Each country brought a specialty. Some French students even showed up (we NEVER see French students outside of class because they are a bit snobby and don't hang out with us) There was even a European dance off everything from traditional Hungarian dance to Russian to the Viennese Waltz. It was very cool. I had the pleasure of trying real Hungarian moonshine made by my friend Kata's grandmother. It was very strong (I heard rumors of it being 60%) and interesting tasting trust me one very tiny sip was enough for a week. All in all a very fun night.
Last week I was so over studying so I made a dance in my apartment and made a little dance film that I am quite proud of really
I have another one planned out for the little hallway between me and Fran's rooms.
Last week I also went to the Burn site of Joan of Arc which was less awesome than I thought it would be to be honest. It was a bit of a let down.
Also tuesday it was Jeanna's 22 birthday and Laine and I bought her an Opera cake which is like a dark chocolate coffee layered thing, it's awesome!
We get really beautiful sunsets out our windows. I took this about a month ago but I thought I should still put it up.
Sea Wolf and Taken by trees (bands)
intense French wind
Wicked the book
all the new music I have binged on the last couple of weeks
My friends in France
my new H&M sequin mini skirt (I not kidding and it was only 10 euro)
I figured out how to make toast on my burner! (which I can now almost boil water on!!!!!)
dance (technically not new but I love making these little videos)
by the way this is what I like to call an interactive blog so if you have comments questions opinions etc feel free to comment below and I promise to get back to you. I really like comments too they make me feel loved
PS KIRSTEN THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY IN BA!!!!! I'm so sad that you have to leave but I hope I can see you when I get back.
yo thanks for the shout-out! i only left cuz i ran out of money.